Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Karen's story

Learning with Paul

Hi there

My name is Karen Healey and I live in Kowanyama. I have been living here since last April and it has been an experience for me and my family. At the moment I am working at the school and it has been a challenge working within this area.

Originally I am from PNG from the Aroma coast about three hours east of Pom City, however we live in Port Moresby. Since coming to Australia, we have lived in Cairns and the children have all gone to school there.
My thoughts on attending course was mainly due to help me do things on my own and get a better update on computer programs. These days its the young ones that know it all but the mature adults have to learn too and its been interesting for me.

I have managed to do a Dvd yesterday and also a carlendar and working on powerpoint making a poster. It has been alot of fun doing all the alterations and seeing the results been amazing.

I am priviledged to do this.

Thanks very much to Paul and Michelle for their time

Be seeing you soon


Roslyn's Story

Hi! My name is Roslyn Gilbert I live in Kowanyama. I was born in Thursday Island Hospital on the 1st of August, 1966. My mum is originally from Normanton and moved here in the late 1930's and my dad is from Kowanyama. I have two brothers, they live away from Kowanyama one's living in Gordonvale and the other lives in Mt. Garnet. I am currently working at the Training Centre, I have worked here for at least one and half year and enjoying it. I am also doing a course at Cairns TAFE in Business Administration Certificate IV. I've also graduated in Cairns last year, and completed Certificate I,II & III in Business Administration.

Gladys Story

Hi my name is Gladys Brumby I lived in Kowanyama all my life.
I have five sisters including myself and one brother. I was born in Thursday Island. I've worked in the Kowanyama Council Office for 3 years as a CDEP Clerk. My work goal is to become a Childcare Worker.

My social interest is listening to music (country), going fishing,hunting,swimming,camping,visiting other places and meeting other family members(from stolen generation).

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Observing - and learning

My name is Vicki and while I am here at Lockhart River to observe the training Paul and Michelle are providing to the community here, I am also learning. I'm not only getting an idea about what's it like to live in a remote community but also leaning about blogging and responding to blogs - its all quite fascinating. I've some very inetretsing people and its lovely to see the progress people have been making over the last day or two.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Hello my name is Flo Clark,

I work at Lockhart River with Queensland Health I been living here for three and a half years. I'm doing my cert 4 in primary health. I'm originally from Yarrabah south of Cairns, it is half hour drive from Cairns.

Lorraine Warradoo

Hi my name is Lorraine Warradoo I have lived in Lockhart River all my life, and have four kids,
two boys Brandon and Pylarnie and two girls Jamila and Tamara.
Lockhart is a remote Aboriginal Community in Cape York with a populatoin of about 1000 people.
At the moment, me and my partner have started a car hire business in Lockhart.
We have five cars.
Im currently working as the Centrelink Agent and have been there for the past four years .
I enjoy fishing, camping and spending time with my kids.

Paul Piva

My story

Hi my name is Paul Piva, I have lived in Lockhart River for the past 20 years. My family came from the Solomon Islands in the 70's. We lived in Melbourne for 10 years before moving up to Lockhart.

My partner and I have started a car hire business, called Lockhart River Car Hire. We have five cars in our fleet.

They are manly used by government departments who come to visit the Community at a weekly basis.

I have four kids, there names are Brandon, Pylarnie, Jamila and Tamara Piva.

The things that I injoy are playing football, hunting, fishing and spending time with family.

I am a diesel mechanic by trade and just love playing around with cars.

Jasmine's Story

hello my name is Jasmine Accoom,

And i'm from Lockhart River
and my jobs a
i'm a
* Assiciation Reseacher Brain Injury Project
* Sports n Rec Officer
* Health Action Team ( secretary)
and one of my goal in the community is to get younger parents and younger kids to go through to tafe and do the LeaderShip course or training.
and another thing is to socialise with other's that comes into the community like other agencies.

well that's what i'am
ta Jasmine Accoom

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Agnes stories

My son. Simo
Hi im Agnes Mark.

I live in New Mapoon. I came here late 1963 with my parents from Old Mapoon on the West Coast of Cape York Peninsula.I now call this place home because all my loved one's are buried here in the local cemetery.
I made the biggest and best photo story at the workshop.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Malu Kiai (BOIGU) Top Western Torres Strait

Hi, we are really enjoying the time in this workshop building a blogg. I have built my own Blog. It is called

Boigu Gal

It is at boigugal.blogspot.com

Vera Deneise Gibuma

Hello my name is Vera Gibuma.

I am from Badu Island. Live all my life in Badu antil I came to this Island call Boigu, and Here on Boigu I meet my husband. Now this is my home now, so I'll just tell you little bit about Boigu.

Boigu is the beautiful Island. It is surrounded by mangrove and little bit of sanding area around the camping ground. The most of the Island I like, is there are lot's of crabs, fish, akul shells and crayfish, Dugong and Turtle.

Boigu has a population of 300. Our fresh Fruit and Vegies and dry goods come in the barge every Friday. We have two trading store IBIS and TAIPAN TRADING STORE and there are three churches TAC traditional anglican communion, BLOOD COVNANT UPC United Penticostal Church.

I like going fishing camping.

Writing my blog

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Lisa Entry

My name is Lisa and I live at Medigee Village Darnley Island.
Darnley Island is situated in the eastern part of the Torres Strait.
It has a population of 400.
These are some of the pictures taken at Medigee Village.

At the Beach Front
Medigee Village
Darnley Island
Torres Strait Qld 4875

Looking out to the
beach front and main road.
Medigee Village
Darnley Island
Torres Strait Qld 4875
Beach Front
Medigee Village
Darnley Island
Torres Strait Qld 4875

Anglican Church
Badog Village
Darnley Island
Torres Strait Qld 4875

Looking towards Stephen Island and Nepean Island.
The wharf and ramp

Maryann at the workshop Darnley Island.

Hi my name is Maryann Flora Bourne. I live at Mogor Village .
My house was built near the beach and my house is call Ray-Home.
I have six children and ten grandchildren. I attend a three days small business workshop and I decided to start up my own small business . I attend a computer course in march on basics and want to learn more.In this three days computer workshops, I experience how to use the internet,email and make music. I want to say thank you very much to Paul and Shelly for their time and effort.I looking forward to see you both in September.

Torres Strait's Top Eastern Paradise!!

Maiem (Greetings) from Darnley Island, a.k.a (Erub), the Top Eastern Paradise of the Torres Strait! Darnley has a population of approximate 400 people and is situated at the top eastern part of the Torres Strait.

My name is Gina Bourne, I've lived on Erub all my life. I feel so blessed for being raised on a beautiful place by my gifted parents. Now as a parent, new experiences come by everyday in lifestyle. We have visitors everyday from different parts of the world, travelling by air & sea. Locals from our neighbouring Islands travel by dinghy to do
shopping/tradings, also from PNG.

On a beautiful fine weather, you could see some of our neighbouring Islands. Top: Murray Island, Bottom: Nepin Island & Stephen Island (far back).

Recently, we had two kind & talented people who travelled from down south to do computer training. It was open to the public, which anyone could attend. On a monthly basis, we have people like Paul & Michelle sharing their skills & give opportunities to people to learn more about new technology.

We@ThEr $m!leS 0n 3rU8

Hello from Erub (Darnley Island)!!! My name is Louisa I am the Indigenous Knowlegde Center (IKC) Administrator here on Darnley. I have been working in the library for about two and a half years now and I find it very interesting and enjoy it very much.
Paul & Michelle conducted a computer training workshop here on Darnley from the 28th to the 30th of July at the council office. I thought I learned all there is to know about computers but it is always good to find out a bit more and be exposed to the little hints and tips about Microsoft words and basicly everything that there is to know about computer and what it has to offer.

I really enjoyed the three days of the workshop and the company of Natasha and the other ladies that was involved in the computer workshop. I learned alot from the three days workshop, but I know there is still alot more things
about computer that I need to know.

Paradise in the East.

Hi My Name is Florence Mabel Gutchen.

I lived here at Banidun Hill on Erub.

It's a Beautiful Island with rich vegetation and volcanic soil.
It's surrounded by wide spread beautiful reef which got it lovely fishing spot.
It's has beautiful and friendly environment which it's people.
I've been resided here for last twenty two years.
I'm originally from Poruma (Coconut Island) in the Central Torres Strait . It's a beautiful Small Coral Atoll Island with sorrounded by beautiful white sand Beach and beautiful reef with it's Fishing spots and Beautiful and it's Friendly Enviroment.I've done this computer course for the last three days with some ladies in this community with Michelle Williams and Paul Sutton from BIA.

The course was really wonderful and Fantastic and enjoyable to all the participants.
I believe that the outcome of this course is unbelievable. In return everyone is looking for forward for more computer courses in the near future.

I 'm really appreciated for the assistance of trainer Michelle Williams and Paul Sutton.
I would like to offer my personal thanks to them for thier special times and efforts.
Au eswau(big thanks) Meriam mer Language .Keima esso(bgi thanks)Kulkagalau ya.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pearl in Paradise

Hi from Erub Island! My name is Natasha and I am a Field Officer for the State Library of Qld, Cairns Indigenous Library Services. I am currently on a field trip on Erub and have had the pleasure of being here while Paul & Michelle are conducting their computer training workshop with the Erub Community. As Michelle has stated the last few days of training has been a great experience. It has been wonderful to participate with the ladies. I thought I had learnt all I could about a computer but have been exposed to so much more. All the little hints and tips have made it easier to navigate around the net and Microsoft Word especially for me. I was a good on-line shopper before but now I'm a scary one! I can go back to my work colleagues and show them a thing or two!! Michelle & Paul are great facilitators and the workshop has been a great success, specifically tailoring the training to the needs of the participants. Patient, felxible and may be in trouble later for the on-line shopping tips that they have provided us!!!!!

Along with the great training, we have had the most spectacular environment work in. Erub is a magnificent island with wonderful, welcoming people and the island itself is surrounded by the most crystal clear waters with amazing views. I woke up this morning to the sun reflecting off the calmest waters I have ever seen. A pebble could drop and you wouldn't see a ripple. There was plenty of activity on the wharf too with people fishing and simply enjoying the beautiful morning (almost played hooky as it was too nice to stay in the office).

Thank you to Paul & Michelle who have given their time and to the wonderful people of Erub who have welcomed us.

The Darnley island team

Gee we have had some fun. The girls on Darnley are working well. We began with a BBQ and got to know each other. Then the girls set us to work.

What has happened - wow!

They have learned to make calendars, make CDs, use the templates of word for products, and make music.....

The Internet banking is finally working for those who wanted it. We had to patch some fast internet access directly from a server rack to have enough bandwidth to run 4 computers at once.

Now we have some email experts as well as some keen shoppers.

Now let the ladies tell their own story.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Welcome to the BIA Queensland Training

Welcome to the story of the Backing Indigenous Ability Project in Queensland. Five communities are involved in 2008.
  • Bamaga
  • Malu Kiwai (Boigu Island)
  • Erub (Darnley Is)
  • Kowanyama
  • Pormpuraaw
  • Lockhart
The communities are going to participate in some computer training. This will be conducted by Michelle Williams and Paul Sutton.

This Blog
This blog is going to be used by the training participants to both practice their skills and explore the joy of writing and sharing personal stories.

The Blog links to Picasa Albums which tell the story of the project in pictures.

Please join in and enjoy the experience of blogging.

regards Michelle and Paul